May 20Liked by Jagger Waters

I thought the piece was well written Jagger! The tie back to Lucas was a nice touch. Honestly I don't even understand what a "generative AL eSports tournament" means....

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I hear you, and can definitely tell you're trying to have a balanced approach.

Even though I use AI everyday, I'm still on the fence.

I'm excited for AI and what it can do for medicine, but when it comes to other trivial jobs (one of which I hold myself) I don't see how the good outweighs the bad, other than cost reduction. It's opening up a Pandora's box we're too greedy to close.

I don't trust people, I don't trust our motivations, I don't trust we can build this "the right way" - just look at social media. I really don't see how this will lead us to having more free time because "robots" will do our jobs. For hundreds of years we've been creating tools to ease human labor and delegate work, yet somehow, more keeps piling on. The technology is incredible and I'm curious about it myself, but we can't even agree on recycling, how are we ever going to agree on something so impactful as AI?

“We’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn't save itself because it wasn't cost effective.” – Kurt Vonnegut

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I understand. My relationship with AI is constantly evolving, and not at all fixed. There are a number of issues from energy, electricity and ethics that must stay at the forefront of the conversation. In my experience so far, those concerns are central to those who are using it (at least in the groups I’ve been involved with).

I think the implications about AI balloon into a much, much larger conversation about wealth inequality and our failure to incorporate or even properly, realistically acknowledge the Internet in legislation. (Not to mention the fact that the folks passing bills about tech don’t even understand how it works….)

It’s understandable this is a sensitive and controversial subject. I appreciate your civility and desire to have open discussions about it.

When I was on the fence about social media, feeling severely distrustful of the world, I considered homesteading, breaking away from tech use completely (deleting gmail and not having a phone) and living as far away from people as possible. Ultimately, I decided to make a different choice. But I understand the distrust, and I understand the fears around humanity’s track record with technology.

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May 13Liked by Jagger Waters

Great read! Was there a video of the competition? Super curious to see what it looked like in real-time.

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I wish it had been recorded! Perhaps next year’s competition will be live-streamed (which I think would be a great idea)

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...would you ever consider taking that pilot script and trying to make it on your own using ai to assist?...

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I don’t think the quality would be high enough. I think creating a teaser trailer would work, but Gen AI isn’t quite strong enough to carry a full 50-60 minutes worth of content quite yet. Maybe soon.

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...what excites you most about using these tools in storytelling?...

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That’s a great question, and also the reason I’m here. My future Substack posts will continue to serve as a platform for discussing this.

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May 9Liked by Jagger Waters

“it would seem the art of making film is not the art of making film, but instead a never ending, creative evolution of storytelling that parallels the development of new technology.”

That’s the truth right there. Glad to have found your work and very much looking forward to what you have to say

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That's an instant subscribe from me.

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Thanks so much! Your work and writing looks incredible too, I look forward to checking it out :)

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May 6Liked by Jagger Waters

Great piece Jagger!

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I hope the guy in that jacket made a black and white movie

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What programs did you use when you competed?

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Great question! It was Leonardo.ai (specifically its real time canvas tool)

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I used to use playground but it was hard to create the pictures I wanted so I moved onto fooocus on my laptop.

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Ooooh I hadn’t heard of Fooocus! I’ll check it out. What capabilities does it have that you enjoy?

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You can pick your own models to use, its the simplest one ive found that runs on your computer, and there's inpainting where you can draw on photos.

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